What Causes Under Eye Wrinkles on your Face?

Wrinkles and fine lines around the eyes may make you look wise and experienced. But they also add several unwanted years to your face. But don’t panic if you look in the mirror and appear more aged than you are. Solving the under-eye wrinkle problem can be easy if you understand the reasons.

The delicate skin under the eyes is prone to wrinkles. Lifestyle problems and environmental factors can lead to these. Age, genes, and facial expressions are significant causes, too. But these can be fixed with microdermabrasion, Fotona laser facelifts, microneedling, botox, fillers, etc.

Before you attempt to reverse the appearance of under-eye wrinkles, you must understand their types and causes. Keep reading to know more – and find out about the suitable treatment options.

Understanding Types of Under-Eye Wrinkles

It may surprise you that there are three medically recognized types of wrinkles. They are as follows:

Under Eye Wrinkles on Women's face

Dynamic Wrinkles

Wrinkles seen while using the facial muscles for activities like smiling are dynamic wrinkles. They result from repeated muscle contraction. They usually appear between the eyebrows. But crow’s feet lines around the eyes also fall in this category.

Static Wrinkles

Wrinkles visible even when your facial muscles are at rest are static wrinkles. These result from skin damage due to environmental factors, unhealthy lifestyle, poor diet and nutrition, and age. Sometimes, dynamic wrinkles can turn into static wrinkles.

Wrinkle Folds

Wrinkle folds appear underneath the eyes when your facial muscles start to sag. As the skin becomes thin and loses tightness, it forms layers of folds and creases. These wrinkles can appear due to genetic traits, poor habits, repetitive facial movements, sun exposure, etc.

Major Causes of Under-Eye Wrinkles

Let’s take a quick look at the factors that affect your under-eye skin, causing wrinkles –


The obvious reason behind the formation of wrinkles under the eyes is age. With aging, elastin and collagen production reduces. These maintain skin structure, firmness, and elasticity. And they replace dead skin cells with new ones. In their absence, your skin’s structural integrity is lost, causing wrinkles.


Wrinkles, including those developing around the eye area, sometimes result from the genes you inherit. For instance, you may have fragile, sensitive skin or an inherent inability to generate collagen. Dry skin, too, is more prone to wrinkles. Additionally, men have more severe wrinkles than women.

Facial Expressions

Another unavoidable cause of wrinkles is facial expressions. When you smile, frown, scowl, cry, etc., the muscles in your face move. These movements lead to creases and lines on the face. Repetitive facial expressions, coupled with reduced elastin and collagen, prevent them from smoothening.


The environment is an external factor that damages your skin. These primarily include the following –

  • UV radiation from prolonged sun exposure leads to photosensitivity and death of skin cells. It also causes sunburns that can cause peeling and then skin thickening, leading to under-eye wrinkles.
  • Polluted air has high quantities of harmful particulate matter. Exposure to such air activates skin detoxification. When active for a long time, this mechanism alters your skin, causing wrinkles.

Lifestyle and Habits

Our day-to-day activities often affect our health and skin, causing under-eye wrinkles. Here are the major contributors –

  • Constant rubbing is a habit for some people. Or you may do it due to allergies. Doing so stretches the skin under the eyes. Gradually the structural protein in this section wears down and causes folds.
  • Sleeping positions like lying on your belly or sides make you press down your face into the pillow. This makes the skin around the eyes crinkle. Long hours of such crinkling can cause wrinkles.
  • Smoking is injurious to health – and also skin. It constricts blood vessels and reduces the movement of protein and nutrients to the skin. Plus, it causes oxidative stress and leads to wrinkles.
  • Lack of sleep can cause under-eye skin wrinkles, too. Sleep is needed for collagen, hyaluronic acid, and elastin production. Lack of rest also increases cortisol, causing wrinkles.

Diet and Nutrition

What you eat and drink is crucial to keep your skin healthy and youthful. Here’s how your diet affects you –

  • Low water intake can lead to dehydration. That means your skin will also become dry due to inadequate fluid. As a result, it will fail to retain its plump and glow, causing it to develop wrinkles.
  • A poor diet with high sugar content leads to the accumulation of AGEs associated with skin aging. Fried, high-salt, spicy, and purely plant-based diets can lead to skin damage and wrinkles.

Under-Eye Wrinkles: Treatments and Skincare

Don’t panic if your under-eye area is affected by wrinkles. There are treatments to reverse the problem. They are as follows –

  1. Botox and Dermal Fillers: These injectables freeze excess muscle movements or fill in wrinkles. They are popular temporary treatments for under-eye wrinkles.
  2. Microdermabrasion: This advanced exfoliation process removes the damaged top skin layer. It uses tiny crystals. It reveals layers of smooth and young skin.
  3. Laser Skin Resurfacing: It uses lasers to remove the damaged skin layer or boost collagen. The treatment may also combine the two to improve skin.
  4. Microneedling: It uses microscopic needles to puncture and “injure” the skin. As your skin heals, it becomes plump, smooth, and youthful.
  5. Fotona 4D Facelift – Fotona 4D® offers a harmonious fusion of cutting-edge laser procedures, targeting both the surface of the face and deeper layers of the skin, to effortlessly tighten and erase aging with long-lasting results.

In addition to the above treatments, you must also pay attention to the long-term skin care routine for your face. A few things that might help include:

  • Regular use of sunscreen, sunglasses and wide-brimmed hats
  • Reduction of smoking and drinking
  • A balanced diet rich in proteins and good fats
  • Using eye creams and moisturizers to keep skin hydrated
  • Avoiding long exposure to sunlight and pollution

Contact BARE Essentials Today for the Best Under-Eye Wrinkle Treatment

Don’t let under-eye wrinkles take away your confidence! At BARE Essentials, we have a wide range of services to improve your skin and give you a youthful look!

Laser Treatment Spa

So get in touch with us today, and book your consultation.