Benefits of Microneedling for your face

Are you looking for a way to improve your facial skin and make it look young and blemish-free? Then Microneedling might be a technique that can benefit you greatly. This technique combines an ancient alternative therapy with modern science. And it helps rejuvenate the skin.

Microneedling has recently gained huge popularity as a skin treatment procedure. It is a minimally invasive method in which tiny needles are used to puncture the skin. This induces skin healing. As a result, you get smooth, clear, and youthful skin. It can effectively treat acne scars, stretch marks, and more!

But how exactly does microneedling work – and what are its benefits? Keep reading to find out!

How Does Microneedling Work?

Microneedling is a cosmetic procedure used to improve the appearance of the skin. It is inspired by the ancient Chinese alternative therapy called acupuncture. It has been used for centuries for treating various conditions. However, using needles for cosmetic treatments was developed in 1995.

During microneedling, small needles are used to pierce the top layer of the skin. Doing so creates tiny holes, essentially causing micro-injuries to the skin. This stimulates the skin’s natural healing process through the production of collagen and elastin. As your skin starts to heal, the skin becomes smooth and firm.

The most important role in the process is played by boosted collagen production. So this procedure is also known as collagen induction therapy. Even the American Academy of Dermatology Association vouches for its effects. The process can handle various skin conditions.

Face Microneedling Benefits: 10 Ways Microneedling Can Help You

Microneedling achieves results similar to laser treatments or a chemical peel procedure, But it takes less time. You can experience a fresh glow within 24-72 hours. But other techniques may take weeks, with a few sessions to start to show results.

Here’s a list of all the amazing effects of Microneedling can have on your face:

1. Wrinkle and Fine Line Reduction

Microneedling can boost elastic and collagen production to help smoothen lines and wrinkles. Collagen and elastin can make your skin firm and plump. It also stimulates your body to produce more skin cells due to its self healing mechanism, which is triggered by the process.

2. Anti-Aging Effects

Aging skin shows clear signs like wrinkles, dullness, and even discoloration. It also becomes thin and loose, besides losing elasticity. Microneedling can help restore all the qualities absent in aging skin. It can add glow and firmness to lack luster, sagging skin.

3. Scar Removal

By boosting collagen and elastin production, microneedling addresses the scars on the skin. It is super-effective in the case of depressed scars, including acne scars. Though it is not used for raised or keloid scars, studies show it’s safe for both.

4. Bright and Even Skin Tone

Microneedling can combat uneven skin tone from long heat exposure and sun damage. It can take care of skin tanning, brownish blotches, age spots, and more. This process can also reverse dark spots from acne, infections, insect bites, etc.

5. Shrunken Pores

Large open pores look unsightly and create an uneven texture, making makeup difficult. They may occur due to age and loss of elasticity. Microneedling stimulates collagen around the pores. It makes this skin plump and reduces the size and appearance of pores.

6. Improved Acne

Acne is usually treated with the help of topical medications, which are indispensable. But microneedling can enhance the effects of these medicines and give you clear skin. With regular applications, you can also reduce the chances of their return.

7. Decreased Chances of Rosacea

You may frequently suffer from rosacea and find your face becoming red and bumpy. The collagen-boosting mechanism of microneedling can reduce these. While it has no cure for rosacea, studies prove the correlation between reduced collagen and increased rosacea.

8. Improved Daily Care

The micro-holes left in your skin after microneedling allow the skin nutrients in topical products to seep in better. After microneedling sessions, regular skincare products like retinol serums, moisturizers, toners, etc., get absorbed more. This helps provides better effects.

9. Reduced Stretch Marks

While stretch marks don’t appear on the face, they can develop in the neck area. This is a common problem resulting from rapid changes in body weight, which can cause the skin to stretch. Microneedling can reduce the appearance of stretch marks on your neck, to increase firmness of the skin.

10. Improved Hairline and Beard

Besides stimulating collagen and elastin, this face/skin procedure boosts blood flow to treatment areas. This helps promote hair growth. So if you’re facing problems like poor beard growth or a receding hairline, microneedling may help improve hair growth to frame your face.

Microneedling: Safety Concerns

Microneedling is safe for people with good health conditions in general. But it may not be suitable if you have certain skin conditions like active acne, psoriasis, eczema, or open wounds. Plus, the procedure might not be recommended when using certain medicines for such skin concerns.

It is also to be noted that while microneedling pens are easily available on the market, the procedure requires care and expertise. Doing it at home can cause bruising, bleeding, infections, and other serious problems to your help. You must consult a dermatologist who will assess your skin condition and recommend treatment and care.

Contact BARE Essentials Spa for Microneedling Treatment.

BARE Essentials Spa is one of the top aesthetic spa clinics in Tecumseh Ontario. We provide services like reducing skin imperfections, laser hair removal, and a complete list of SPA services.

Laser Treatment Spa

Get the best in microneedling facial treatments for restoring your youth from our experienced team, at B.A.R.E Essentials! Feel free to contact us TODAY for your skin consulation!