Anti Aging Laser Treatments


Many accomplished people lose confidence when they see that the image in the mirror is not matching their sense of beauty. While it’s only fitting to say that everyone is beautiful, and should love who they are… it’s also hard to change the world. Your own desire to have a particular appearance is part of your sense of who you are. To achieve the skin and body you desire, you can learn more about our laser treatments in Tecumseh from BARE Essentials Spa.


Trusted for years for its outstanding client care, personalized treatment options, and advanced techniques of skin care and body contouring services in Tecumseh… BARE Essentials is the go-to destination for effective laser treatments for the people in the Windsor Ontario area. At this Spa, we have experts who have years of experience with making you look your BEST!



Laser Treatments in Tecumseh


Today, we will tell you about the most popular treatment options in our Tecumseh Laser Center:


  • Laser Hair Removal
  • Skin Resurfacing
  • Body Contouring
  • Laser Acne Removal


With the help of these procedures, we have satisfied many customers at Tecumseh who depend on us for their skin and body concerns. They love the results they receive here. Let’s take a look at each of these treatment options.



a) Laser Hair Removal


Our skilled team offers affordable laser hair removal treatments where mini handheld-wands are used to emit highly controlled light pulses. Hair follicles beneath the skin surface will absorb the light and will heat the hair follicle, thus killing the possibility of hair regrowth without damaging the surrounding skin tissues.


Face and body hair removal using laser therapy can work for all types of hair, and it is safe for all types of skin. Complete treatment usually takes a series of 6 sessions that take place at a gap of around 6 weeks. The results of such laser treatments are highly effective and long-lasting.


Before performing any laser treatment to remove hair, our team of experts will perform a thorough analysis of your skin. This will help understand what will work best for your skin. In addition, you will receive suggestions regarding a custom skin care regime that you must follow after each session.



b) Skin Resurfacing


Skin resurfacing is a procedure that helps to get rid of scars and hyperpigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles, roughness, and other skin problems. FSR is an advanced skin treatment option that you can choose to improve the skin texture and appearance on the face and other parts of the body.


In this procedure, laser energy that has been broken up into microbeams is used to treat just a fraction of the affected area’s skin. That is why it is called fractional skin resurfacing. The tiny beams reach deep into the skin layers and boost the natural healing ability of the skin.


The laser beams also reach the collagen tissues and help treat signs of aging, tightening loose skin almost immediately. Thus, you get a youthful glow with the help of aesthetic laser technology. The best part of this treatment is that it has minimal downtime, i.e., you can recover quickly.



c) Body Contouring


Gone are the days when a full invasive body cosmetic surgery would be the only option to reshape your body. Now, you can choose non-invasive treatment options that do not need you to go under the knife to change how you look and feel. We offer various treatment options for skin tightening and body remodeling.


The right combination of massage therapy, skin tightening procedure, fat reduction laser therapy, etc., can change your body and reshape your belly, arms, neck, face, and other parts of the body. You will feel like you have found a new structure of the body and face.


Lax skin, cellulite, body fat – everything that can deteriorate the look and shape of your body can be addressed by our body contouring procedures. These therapies use thermal heat that reaches the dermal and sub-dermal layers of the skin. This boosts collagen production to help you achieve your dream body.



d) Laser Acne Removal


Our laser or light treatments can be the answer to your constant battle against acne. Laser technology has become one of the best tools to achieve incredible skin, and dermatologists almost always recommend acne laser treatments and light therapy options, especially for moderate and severe acne.


Laser is also great for acne scars. We offer different types of acne treatments, like IPL therapy, or Intense Pulse Light treatments to give you completely new, glowing skin.


Even in critical conditions like acne cysts or nodules, laser and light treatments for multiple sessions might be effective. Laser and light treatments can give you near-permanent results, depending on the severity of your condition and your skin. Our team will help you with a post-treatment skin care regimen.



Contact B.A.R.E Laser Spa in Tecumseh:


At BARE Essentials Spa in Tecumseh, we focus on providing the most effective holistic health service and Spa patient-centered care. Our skilled team offers skin tightening, removal of varicose veins or spider veins as well as facial veins, wrinkle reduction, nail fungus, cellulite reduction, facials, and more.


These make us the best aesthetic service providers in Windsor Ontario, with excellent customer service. Currently, we are also focused on Covid-19 health and safety precautions to ensure a balance of safety and state-of-the-art beauty treatments.


Laser Treatment Spa


So contact us TODAY to find the best cosmetic procedures and laser treatments in Tecumseh to regain your confidence today!