Sun Damage Laser Treatments Windsor


When you look in the mirror, do you frequently notice age spots, sun damage, uneven skin tone, and deep wrinkles? As a Canadian facing extreme weather fluctuations, you probably can’t resist spending some quality time in the sun. But did you know excess sun exposure can damage your skin? You can end up with visible signs of aging.

But don’t worry! There’s a way to reverse the impact of prolonged sun exposure and sun damaged skin. Our IPL, or photorejuvenation medical technology is the cutting-edge sun damage laser treatment you need. It can remove damaged skin layers and boost collagen production to improve skin health. And the Lumenis M22 IPL system is ideal for rejuvenating your sun-damaged skin.

Here is Exactly how it Works!

While using broad-spectrum sunscreen and protective clothing are essential preventive measures for sun protection, you might need IPL to undo existing damage (2-4 Sessions for most skin concerns). So keep reading to dig deeper into this state-of-the-art sun damage skin treatment.

What is IPL and How Does it Help Reverse Sun Damage?

If sun spots, unevenness of skin tone, and lines dampen your confidence, you’re not alone. Many people out there want to turn back the clock on their sun damaged skin and erase the visible effects that have reduced their skin tone and dermatological health.

Enter Intense Pulsed Light or IPL treatments, also referred to as photorejuvenation. It is a non-invasive skin treatment that has been taking the skincare world by storm by treating a wide range of skin concerns… including sun damage.

What exactly does a IPL Laser Treatment do?

To put it in simple words, IPL uses high-intensity light beams to damage the outer layer of skin, causing it to peel off. This reveals the deeper layers of skin that are youthful and damage-free. It also kick-starts your face’s natural healing abilities for more glowing beauty. Now, that justifies the name “photo-rejuvenation!”

What’s interesting is that, unlike traditional laser skin treatments that only implement light energy of a single wavelength, IPL uses light beams of multiple wavelengths. Thus, it can address various problems simultaneously.

From breaking down melanin to boosting collagen production, IPL can do it all in a single session. Thus, it is a versatile and effective treatment for sun damage, removing stubborn dark spots, wrinkles, skin looseness, hyperpigmentation, and more!

Reverse Sun Damaged Skin

IPL can be your skin’s best friend and not just because it can reverse sun damage. This cosmetic laser procedure is quick and involves a short recovery time. And patients vouch that the sessions are virtually pain-free!

What is Lumenis M22 IPL?

Lumenis M22 IPL is an advanced photorejuvenation procedure that takes IPL to the next level. It uses a revolutionary handheld device for the best possible results. It’s powered with Optimal Pulse Technology, i.e., OPT. It is gentle and patient-friendly, keeping in mind the patient’s comfort.

It’s versatile and can tackle various problems in every session. How? It is highly customizable and can be tailored to suit different skin types and their inherent problems.

How the Lumenis M22 IPL Sun Damage Laser Treatment Takes Place

Before the sun damage laser treatments, your skin will have to undergo a thorough assessment to determine if you’re the right candidate for Lumenis M22 IPL. At this point, make sure to present your medical history so your medical spa technician, so they have a clear picture of the medicines you might be one.

Also, remember to inform the expert if you have recently used chemical peels or tanning beds. Then, they will be able to accurately suggest the correct sun damage laser treatment schedule and your post-treatment care will be determined.

During the treatment, an aesthetician with specialized training will first cleanse your skin. Then, they’ll use the handheld device to project the IPL to the target area. You’ll likely experience a mild sensation like being snapped with a rubber band, but the procedure, in general, won’t be painful.

What to Expect from Lumenis M22 IPL Sun Damage Laser Treatment

After the sun damage laser treatment session, you’ll experience the sensation of a mild sunburn. The treated area may also itch, swell, and become red. But don’t worry! This is a temporary reaction that will subside within three days.

As time passes, don’t be alarmed if you see your dark spots getting darker or the skin becoming grey. It simply means that the treatment is working and the pigments are getting broken.

Within a few days, the skin in your treated area will start becoming dry and flaky for about seven days. Allow it to peel off naturally – and do not tug and pull! This is the top layer that has undergone all the damage. Your doctor will prescribe an ointment to prevent scabs and dryness.

Another thing to be careful about is sun exposure. You must minimize it and use SPF 30 or higher if you have to step out – or work in extreme heat or light, like the kitchen or a film studio. It’s a good idea to schedule your sun damage laser treatment during winter or fall when the sun’s heat is milder.

How Many Lumenis M22 IPL Sun Damage Laser Treatment Sessions Do You Need?

You will likely start seeing the dramatic effects of the treatment in 10-21 days. And while the results can be dramatic after only one session, it’s best to go for multiple sessions. That’s because the damage caused by the sun is deeper than you know.

So to address these deep-rooted problems, You may need 2-6 sessions, depending on the intensity of your skin damage and the area being treated. These sessions are usually performed 1-2 months apart. After that, it’s also a good idea to get 1-2 maintenance treatments every year.

Contact BARE Essentials for the Best Sun Damage Laser Treatment Windsor

If you don’t address these problems in time, you may start to look way older than your real age. There’s even a high risk of skin cancer! Before the impact of the sun causes severe and irreversible skin problems, take our help and the use of the medical IPL laser equipment!

Laser Treatment Spa

At BARE Essentials, we have a team of experts experienced in providing a range of aesthetic treatments, including IPL for sun damage laser treatments. So contact us today and say goodbye to the visible and invisible skin damage caused by prolonged sun exposure.