laser pain management Windsor

Ever experienced pain that has affected your physical and mental health? It can be a minor but lingering discomfort or severe chronic pain. While you might struggle to find relief, from traditional methods like ice packs, pain medicine, or even extra rest may not help.

Have you considered laser pain management and reduction for your condition?

Fotona ComfortLase™ is a groundbreaking laser therapy that uses innovative Photobiomodulation technology. It helps to heal sports injuries, wounds and can reduce inflammation. It is one of the emerging technologies for laser pain management and reduction. This non-invasive solution uses laser energy to treat pain due to arthritis, fibromyalgia, injuries, etc.

It is a painless and comfortable alternative to direct heat application. But how effective and safe is Fotona ComfortLase? Keep reading to dig deeper and get more information about this procedure.

How ComfortLase™ Laser Technology Helps with Pain Management:

Laser therapy has become one of the trusted laser treatments for pain. Fotona ComfortLase utilizes unique Photobiomodulation technology. It offers a clinically-proven method of tackling pain and its cause. Besides being effective, this treatment is performed within a short time, and the recovery is quick.

It is comfortable for the patient and easy for the practitioner to perform. It uses low-level laser energy with visible red light and near-infrared light. These stimulate the cells in the treatment site, boosting the natural healing process of your body. It can reduce swelling or inflammation and relieve chronic pain.

In addition, lasers enhance the regeneration of tissues at the location of pain. They boost cell metabolism to boost biochemical reactions and use energy for essential processes. They also regulate the flow and drainage of excess lymphatic fluid and activate micro-circulation.

The combination of these processes results in improved healing and reduced pain. So laser systems are beyond cosmetic treatments like laser hair removal or anti-aging procedures.

Our Fotona Laser System for Pain Reduction:

Fotona ComfortLase utilizes MarcCo handpieces to use Photobiomodulation for pain management. It enables safe and fast treatment with collimated and homogenous laser beams. It can be used with a variety of laser systems for pain management. These include the following –

  • LightWalker – It uses Er:YAG and Nd:YAG lasers for dual-wavelength treatment. The options include TwinLight Endodontic and Periodontal Treatments. They offer unique, efficient, and convenient treatment.
  • SkyPulse – It provides a new-generation treatment option. It brings together advanced technology and a state-of-the-art device. Its treatment parameters are highly customizable.
  • Dynamis Pro – It offers multi-application systems that use Er:YAG and Nd:YAG lasers for a range of applications. SP Dynamis is also used for many surgical procedures.
  • TimeWalker Fotona4D – It is another laser treatment option that uses Er:YAG and Nd:YAG. It combines advanced laser technology and ASP-powered modes for non-invasive treatments.
  • TimeWalker IntimaLaser – It uses two laser wavelengths of Er:YAG and Nd:YAG. Thus, it delivers a unique treatment option used in gynecological procedures. It can deliver gentle ablative and non-ablative thermal treatments.

Advantages of Fotona Laser Light Therapy:

There are popular pain relief means like analgesics, natural solutions, or ice baths. But today, even doctors prefer laser therapy. This is because of all the advantages of Fotona Pain Management, with out any side effects, as the ones listed below:


ComfortLase Healing Conditions


It is fast and effective: Fotona laser pain management sessions need less than an hour  to complete – and you can feel the effect immediately.

  1. It supports natural healing. Rather than just numbing your pain temporarily, laser treatments can address the cause and support healing.
  2. It repairs superficial sports injuries almost immediately. The repair process for wounds, ulcers, sprains, etc., takes effect shortly after treatment.
  3. It can tackle acute and chronic pain caused by arthritis, nerve damage, etc. It provides long-lasting pain relief after a few sessions.
  4.  The downtime and recovery time are short. You can return to your regular activities soon after the treatment session.
  5. It prevents fibrous tissue formation after damage. Thus, you will not develop scars after cuts, burns, wounds, or surgery.
  6. It does not cause permanent side effects. It is a secure and convenient procedure that can reduce and eliminate several painful conditions.

What Can You Expect from Fotona Laser Therapy to Reduce Pain?

First, your doctor will assess your condition and analyze your medical history. Then, they can begin the treatment process with a consultation with our Medial Spa. During the therapy, an advanced laser wand device is used to deliver laser energy to any locations in need of pain relief.

Local anesthetic medicines may be used to ensure your comfort and relaxation. This will also help to reduce the sensation of heat on the skin. The longest sessions take less than an hour, and you will notice temporary but quick relief right after the first session.

The duration of the session depends on the severity of your pain and the underlying cause. It may take between one and three sessions to notice the best results. Most patients need a total of 7-10 sessions of about 5-10 minutes to complete the pain management course.

After that, the body’s natural ability to heal is in full force. For chronic pain management, it is a good idea to take regular management sessions. The time to recover from this treatment is minimal, and you don’t need to waste time before you get back to your normal activities.

Contact BARE Essentials Today!

BARE Essentials has a team of experts with experience in providing Fotona ComfortLase treatment. We prioritize the comfort and safety of our patients. And we provide pre- and post-treatment care guidance to eliminate the risks of side effects.

Laser Treatment Spa

To get quick and effective pain relief and long-term healing, book your consultation today!