Laser Lipolysis Treatments

A beautifully sculpted body is everyone’s dream. But going under the knife for that is not something we want, right? That’s why a non-invasive or minimally invasive procedure like laser lipolysis has become a very popular alternative. This procedure works towards the removal of fat deposits in small treatment sessions, using laser heat.

But how does laser lipolysis work? What are the effects of this procedure? Let’s find out the answers to all your questions today!

What is Laser Lipolysis?

Laser lipolysis is a non-surgical procedure that uses laser energy to melt away excess fat deposits from the body. For this minimally invasive process, an applicator is used to heat and disrupt fat cells. However, the laser only attacks the fat cells, and the other cells near the target area are not affected.

Thus, it is an aesthetic procedure to sculpt the body to reduce fat. Much like the traditional liposuction process, the effects of laser lipo are permanent. But of course, you’ll have to maintain a healthy lifestyle to prevent new fat deposits in your body. It’s a quick and almost painless way to get the body of your dreams.

Process of Lipolysis

Laser lipo is an hour-long process performed in the doctor’s office. For this, a paddle-like applicator that emits heat through laser is used. This heat penetrates the skin without the patient having to go under the knife. The heat attacks the fat cells under the skin and damages their membranes. This leads to the shrinkage and death of the fat cells and melts the fat.

But what happens to this melted? It is either absorbed by the body. This is not an instant process, and the results take time to become evident. You can expect to see the results within 6 weeks, after which the sculpting of the treated areas of the body becomes noticeable. However, you may need more than one lipolysis session to get the best results.

This is one of the fastest cosmetic procedures because you can resume your activities the very same day of the treatment. However, you may experience temporary skin sensitivity in the treated area, which goes away fairly soon. Laser lipo can be an effective fat reduction treatment in different parts of the body like the belly, back, thighs, arms, hips, buttocks, neck, etc.

Advantages of Laser Lipo Compared to Liposuction

The main similarity between lipolysis and liposuction is that they are permanent. Once lipolysis destroys the fat cells, they are gone for good and do not get revived. The advantage of lipolysis over liposuction is that it is a non-invasive process that uses laser to target specific areas in the body to reshape them.

It takes less time than traditional liposuction, too, and you can return to your normal activities soon after the treatment. It is also less complex and less painful. Another advantage is that you will likely not have to worry about excessive loose skin s it happens with liposuction or even fast weight loss. In fact, using laser can lead to skin tightening in the surrounding areas by boosting collagen production.

On the other hand, liposuction is a major cosmetic surgery that needs to be performed when you’re under general anesthesia. It involves the insertion of specialized instruments into the fat layer to break down the fat. The fat in the target area is then drawn out using a tube. You may need months to recover from this surgery.

Number of Laser Lipo Sessions Required

The number of laser lipo sessions required somewhat depends on your body and its fat deposits. In many cases, only one session is sufficient for yielding results that start to become evident within a period of 6 weeks. The results are fully developed by the time you reach 3 months.

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However, it is recommended that you go for at least 2 laser lipo sessions for each site of fat reduction to optimize the impact and get a well-sculpted body. However, if the volume of fat is high in some areas, your doctor might recommend more sessions for a quick touch-up. These should be about 4-6 months apart.

Laser Lipolysis vs. Laser-Assisted Liposuction

Since we are talking about laser lipo, we should also discuss laser-assisted liposuction. Many people get confused between the two. While they are both nonsurgical procedures, they are different from each other. Laser-assisted liposuction incorporates aspects of both laser lipolysis and traditional liposuction.

Unlike lipolysis, this process requires a small incision in the target area into which instruments are inserted into the skin to attack the fat cells. While it is not entirely non-invasive, it is not a surgery and requires much less invasion than surgical liposuction.

Unlike laser lipo, this treatment needs local anesthesia to number the site of treatment. However, you will remain awake and in your sense while it is performed. When the laser is inserted and applied, it ruptures the fat cells and melts the fat. This liquid fat can be suctioned out using a tube by the doctor. It may also be absorbed by the body.

You may experience mild discomfort in the treatment site for a few days after undergoing laser-assisted liposuction, unlike laser lipo which has almost no downtime. It’s a good idea to wear a compression garment during the recovery time to help with the reduction of swelling. You should, however, be able to resume regular activities within a few days.

There’s also a chance of infection in the incision site – and you must take care of the incisions to prevent that. The results of laser-assisted liposuction are much faster than those of laser lipo, and they continue to improve once the fat pockets are removed from different parts of the body.

Laser Lipolysis at BARE Essentials Spa

We have a team of experts who will ensure that you get the best laser-assisted body sculpting services tailored to meet individual needs. After all, every person has a different body – and the treatment approach and results will vary accordingly. You’ll also get proper advice to maintain the effects of the treatment.

Laser Treatment Spa


To get the best results from Laser Lipolysis treatments, contact us at BARE Essentials Spa today!