Tips before getting Botox Treatment

Ever since Botox received the green light from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for aesthetic treatment in 2002, the super, anti-aging serum has maintained its number one position as the world’s favorite cosmetic injectable.

Maybe you’re wondering, “Is Botox safe for me?”  Yes, and it’s an effective treatment for softening moderate to severe frown lines in adults. Before you head in for a Botox injection session, here’s what you should know about the anti-wrinkle serum.

What Is Botox Used For?

Most of us know Botox as being a brilliant, temporary fix for cosmetic imperfections, but the injections have also gained popularity for a number of therapeutic purposes. Some of these would include the treatment of migraines, excessive sweating, and eye twitching.

Botox Treatment

If you’re curious about, “What is Botox used for,” consider Time Magazine which labeled Botox as “The Drug That’s Treating Everything.” When it comes to our face and neck and creating a natural youthfulness, nothing can rival a Botox treatment in Windsor.

It’s The Line Eraser & Beauty Enhancer

Botox is the ultimate effective treatment for these common issues:

  • Smoothing the frown lines between the brows, crow’s feet, forehead lines and lip lines
  • Diminishing the neck bands
  • Lifting the corners of the mouth
  • Improving the cobblestones or skin dimpling of the chin
  • Softening a broad, square jawline
  • Correcting a gummy smile

What Is Botox Made Out Of?

You’re not alone if you’re asking, “What is Botox made out of?” Plastic surgeons describe Botox as a purified protein substance that’s derived from bacteria.  Scientifically-speaking, Botox’s full name is botulinum toxin, and it’s produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum.

So, Is Botox Safe for my Face?

Yes, when injected, extremely small concentrations are used to block the nerve signals to the muscle in which it was injected.  Botox is able to temporarily paralyze those muscles and cosmetically soften fine lines and wrinkles. As the popular Botox television ad says: “Look like you with fewer wrinkles.”

Choose An Expert Beauty Professional

To ensure you get the best Botox results, you should select a professional who has been specially trained in injecting the anti-aging serum. Here in the United States, Botox can only be legally administered by licensed medical professionals.

It’s always best to schedule a consultation and discuss the cosmetic treatment with an aesthetic expert. Don’t be afraid to ask questions to learn what Botox can do for you.

Avoid These Before Your Session

Most skincare specialists will tell you to refrain from taking aspirin or ibuprofen before having Botox injections because these are anticoagulants. That means your risk of bruising can increase.

Some dermatologists take it a step further and recommend avoiding red wine, green tea and even ginger and cinnamon a few days before Botox. These seemingly harmless kitchen staples can create more vulnerable blood vessels and possibly prevent clotting.

Post-Botox Recommendations

A typical Botox treatment session only takes about 10 minutes to complete, and that’s what makes it an appealing, fast and easy procedure. After you have received your injections, you may be wondering if there are any strict rules post-treatment.

Every Botox specialist has their own advice. Generally speaking, you’re good to go. However, it’s recommended that you avoid lying flat or avoid exercise with significant changes in head position immediately after treatment.

Most experts also advise waiting 48 hours to hop on a plane. Also, do not rub your face or massage the treated areas right after injections. It is better to wait a few hours before disturbing any injection areas.

Botox Injection Side Effects

The anti-wrinkle serum is safe, but there are a few Botox injection side effects to be aware of. For example, it’s not unusual to get a headache or dizziness after a treatment session. A Botox buzz is what some call it. It’s temporary.

There can also be bruising and pain at the injection site along with minor redness. These, too, will disappear after a few hours.

Non-Botox Alternatives

If you’re not wild about injections but still want to look naturally youthful, there are other options. For instance, the incredible radiofrequency technology of EnydMed offers a variety of laser skin rejuvenation treatments. Some of these include skin tightening and contouring, wrinkle reduction, texture improvement, acne care, and acne scar removal.

We hope we gave you the total low-down on this amazing injectable known as Botox. Our knowledgeable aesthetic experts look forward to seeing you.

Aesthetics spa windsor

Schedule a consultation today, and let’s take your skin to a naturally ageless level.