When it comes to laser hair removal treatments, there are many procedures designed to help you look and feel your best. These treatments range from minimally invasive surfacing to more complicated surgeries. One of the most popular minimally invasive cosmetic procedures that more people are seeking out today is laser hair removal.

Thankfully B.A.R.E Essentials Spa is having a Christmas promotion for Laser Hair Removal Deals in Windsor:

For the month of December & January get any Gift certificate for $85 and you will get $15 FREE.

Women and men alike have been combating unwanted body hair for centuries. Traditional solutions to this problem include shaving, waxing, and depilatory creams. All of these answers to body hair removal involve frequent upkeep, and sometimes have side effects such as rashes or irritation, particularly for people with sensitive skin.

Laser Hair removal gift cards

With laser treatment for hair removal, there are few side effects and virtually no upkeep following the procedure. This translates to maintenance-free improvement for your skin, allowing you to look and feel better for years with minimal effort.

The benefits of laser hair removal

There are many benefits when you opt for a laser procedure to target unwanted body hair. Here are the main advantages of this procedure:

It’s fast. Laser removal gives you a quick solution for getting rid of body hair, no matter which areas you want to target. While you’ll typically need to have more than one session, each removal session lasts only a few minutes, moving you quickly toward a state of permanent hair removal.

It’s highly targeted. With the extreme precision of laser technology, you can remove any unwanted hair, from large areas such as the lower legs to small targets such as a few pesky hairs on the upper lip or chin. No more tweezing individual hairs, or trying to use a razor on uncooperative surfaces!

It’s less painful. Shaving, tweezing, and particularly waxing can cause distressing discomfort, especially when you’re trying to remove hair from sensitive areas. With laser removal, there is only a small, brief amount of discomfort — that is far less painful than waxing — and the sessions last only a few minutes, so the discomfort is over quickly.

It stops ingrown hairs. Ingrown hairs can be an issue for many people. Shaving in particular causes this uncomfortable, unsightly problem, but tweezing and waxing can also result in painful bumps that are often prone to infection. With laser removal, there is no risk of suffering ingrown hairs, because the follicles are permanently destroyed.

It’s effective for the long term. Unlike other hair removal methods, laser treatment is designed to be as close to permanent as possible. Many people see a complete halt to hair regrowth with laser removal. Even at the least effective, you’ll experience a permanent reduction in growth and far easier hair removal maintenance over time.

Where can you have hair removal done with lasers?

There are many areas of the body that can benefit from permanent hair removal. The most common treatment areas for laser removal include:

  • Armpits
  • Legs
  • Bikini line
  • Upper lip and chin

While these areas are popular targets for hair removal, the laser procedure is effective at treating unwanted hair virtually anywhere on the body, with the exception of eyelids and the delicate surrounding areas of the eyes.

What happens during the hair removal procedure?

This procedure involves concentrated energy in the form of a laser light that is applied with a device — in our case, a professional quality M22 IPL laser machine. Our certified hair removal technician places the device against your skin at the desired areas, and light pulses from the machine target hairs and follicles to destroy hairs at the root. This keeps unwanted hair from regrowing.

During the process, you will see brief flashes of light from the laser. You may experience mild discomfort, with a snapping sensation that feels similar to a rubber band being flicked against your skin. As the laser can target only a small area at a time, laser removal is typically applied over several sessions, to ensure that all unwanted hairs are eradicated.

How safe is this process?

Hair removal using lasers is a low-risk procedure with few side effects for most people. Due to the heat involved in the process, there is a slight chance of a painful or burning sensation following the procedure. We minimize this risk by using professional equipment with built-in cooling systems to ensure reduced discomfort and faster healing. For some more sensitive skin types, our technicians may also recommend icing the area and using a topical anesthetic following the procedure.

Laser hair removal Windsor Ontario prices

Permanent hair removal is surprisingly affordable, especially when you take advantage of our special holiday deal! For a limited time, when you purchase $85 in gift cards, we’ll give you another $15 free — you’ll receive a $100 gift card for just $85. Treat yourself this holiday season, or give someone you love the gift of freedom from shaving, waxing, and tweezing with results you’ll love.

For the best laser hair removal deals in Windsor, contact us today to learn more about our services, take advantage of our gift card deal, or schedule your appointment now.