Lip Enhancements and Dermal Fillers

Your lips can be your tool of expression even without using words. Plump and well-defined lips can define your whole face! But what do you do if your lips lose the fullness due to age – or they’re naturally thin? You can choose lip enhancements with dermal fillers.

A cosmetic procedure involving dermal fillers for lip enhancement uses lip injections. It boosts lip volume and shape of lips. This non-surgical procedure uses biomedicines like hyaluronic acid, collagen, and more. The results are long-lasting and look natural.

Today, we’ll discuss this treatment option to enhance the natural beauty of your mouth. If you’re curious about lip enhancement treatments with dermal fillers, keep reading!

Dermal Fillers for Lip Enhancement – What Are They?

Dermal fillers for lip enhancement are a cosmetic treatment. It improves lip shape and volume, enhancing their appearance. Lip injectables use materials made of natural sugars. This results in fuller, more symmetrical lips. It also reduces the appearance of wrinkles and vertical lines around the mouth.

How Do Dermal Fillers for Lip Enhancement Work?

In dermal filler treatment, a filler material is injected into one or both lips with a fine needle and a cannula. Hyaluronic acid fillers are the most common type of lip fillers. This substance boosts the skin’s ability to retain moisture. So, it helps plump and reshape the lips.

More patients want to get a natural shape through a subtle enhancement. They prefer hydration and restoration instead of unnatural enlargements and lip augmentation. That’s why hyaluronic acid fillers are so popular.

Other lip filler injections use calcium hydroxylapatite, polylactic acid, and collagen/fat. These materials replace the lost volume, correct nasolabial folds, and boost collagen production.

Benefits of Dermal Fillers for Lips

Dermal fillers are now a popular lip enhancement treatment – because of the long list of benefits. The advantages are as follows –

  1. Highly Effective – Dermal fillers plump up your lips. They make the lips smooth, defined, and symmetrical in the process.
  2. Natural Appearance – Dermal fillers give a natural look. They don’t automatically produce melodramatic lip augmentation.
  3. Immediate Results – Lip fillers act almost instantly. You don’t have to wait days or weeks to start seeing results.
  4. Long-Lasting – The results of lip fillers last for up to a year. It depends on how fast your body metabolizes a type of filler.

What to Expect for Lip Enhancement Procedure

You should remember that there are different types of lip filler procedures. These address issues like volume, shape, symmetry, wrinkles, and more.

So, before the actual procedure, you need a consultation with an expert. They will tailor the treatment to suit your needs. They will also assess your health conditions.

Performing lip enhancement treatments using dermal fillers follows a standard procedure. It starts with cleaning the lips and applying a numbing agent to the lips. Then, they inject a local anesthetic, lidocaine.

This step takes place before the anesthetic kicks in. So it’s a little painful – especially if you have sensitive lips. You can experience a pinching sensation.

Then, based on your treatment plan, the dermal filler injection will be applied to your lips. The entire procedure should take 20-30 minutes.

Soon after the treatment, you will see plumper lips and a youthful appearance – with natural-looking results. It may take 2-3 weeks for your lips to reach the best appearance.

Lip Filler Procedure: Pre- and Post-Treatment Care

24 hours before the lip filler procedure, you should avoid consuming alcohol. You may also be asked to stay away from heavy physical activity. Also, stay away from Aspirin and Vitamin E for a week.

After the procedure, follow the instructions given by your expert. You can apply an ice pack to relieve swelling, bruising, or pain. You should also avoid strenuous activities for up to 48 hours.

How Long Do Dermal Fillers for Lips Last?

For most patients, the results of dermal lip fillers last for 6-12 months. However, depending on your metabolism rate, the time may vary. For some patients, the results start wearing off after 3 months, while for others, it lasts more than a year. You can maintain the results with follow-up fillers.

Side Effects of Lip Fillers

Lip enhancements using dermal fillers are safe. They don’t have any major or permanent side effects. But, you may notice some temporary bruising, swelling, itching, or moderate pain. Remember that the risk of complications increases if you don’t go to a qualified injector.

When Can You Eat and Drink After A Lip Filler Procedure?

You can start eating and drinking as soon as the effects of the numbing cream and anesthesia wear off. It should take 1-2 hours for that to happen. But avoid spicy and sodium-rich food and excessive chewing for the first 24 hours. Stay hydrated and fill up on fruits and vegetables as much as possible.

Can Lip Fillers Give You A Duck Face?

Your lips may look slightly swollen for a few weeks after the dermal filler procedure. But the filler material softens the tissues for natural-looking lips over time. A permanent duck face results from overfilling or migration of filler material. It shouldn’t happen in the hands of a skilled injector.

Contact BARE Essentials

Looking for lip enhancements with dermal fillers? BARE Essentials is the best place for you. Our team of experienced injectors will provide an excellent lip filler experience.

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So contact us today for your tailored lip filler treatment plan. You can also pick from our wide range of other beauty treatments.