laser lipolysis Fotona

Going out of shape can hurt your overall confidence. But losing body fat and getting in shape is not an easy job, especially if your health or lifestyle doesn’t allow you to follow a strict diet or have extra time for exercise regimen. So, instead of just wishing for a shapely body, why not try Fotona Lipolysis?

One of the latest revolutions in the world of laser-based cosmetic procedures is Fotona Lipolysis. It uses laser energy to remove excess body fat, giving your body the stunning curves and your optimal body shape that you always wanted. And you don’t even have to worry about long-lasting scars, side effects, or downtime.

Let’s find out all about laser lipolysis by Fotona and learn how it can help you get back in shape in no time… safely and effectively.

What is Fotona Laser Lipolase? How Does it Work?

Laser lipolysis by Fotona is used for body contouring, with thermal energy ejected from laser devices. The laser beams melt fat cells to eliminate stubborn body fat. It is highly effective in shaping love handles, saddle bags, double chins, etc.

First, a fine laser fibre is used to apply laser light to the treatment area by inserting it into the body. This makes the fat cells or adipocytes in the adipose tissues swell and rupture, melting the fat. The melted fat after adipocyte destruction may be absorbed by the body, in which case the procedure is non-invasive.

But the fat may need to be removed from the body by the physician. For that, a small incision will have to be made. This is a minimally invasive procedure known as the keyhole surgery in both cases. The level of discomfort is minimal.

During the procedure, the laser also performs a skin-tightening action on the skin surrounding the treatment area. The collagen remodelling induced by laser prevents the loose skin from sagging and maintains the smoothness of the skin, too. Fotona laser treatment for lipolysis doesn’t need anesthesia.

The procedure starts with a cooling sensation in the treatment area – and then you feel warm and cool sensations alternately. This happens when the fat cells start to get destroyed and will continue till the treatment is complete.

Results of Laser Lipolysis Procedure – Time and Sessions

When can you expect results from lipolysis? Laser lipo can start to show results within 1-3 months, while the best results may need about 3-6 months. The body needs about 3- months to metabolize melted fat sufficiently to make the results visible.

The number of laser fat reduction sessions required depends on the treatment area and your current condition. Generally, only one session is enough to start showing results. But for the best impact, the number of recommended sessions is two or more for each area.

The treatment time is usually 30-180 minutes, depending on whether the keyhole surgery is performed. The recovery time is also quite short. You’ll need two days or even less for the recovery after the fat-draining surgery – and no time at all otherwise.

Laser Lipolysis vs. Other Fat Reduction Treatment Options

Laser lipolysis is a combination treatment to address fat reduction and skin smoothening. It reduces fat cells and induces collagen production to deliver these results. Thus, its results are similar to those of invasive surgeries – but with much shorter recovery time.

lipolysis Before and After1

Since laser is completely safe, you will not have to worry about burns – and scarring on the skin is minimal. It takes place at the doctor’s office without any need for hospitalization. And you can resume your regular activities and return to your normal life in a week.

How to Prepare for Laser Lipolysis – And What to Do After

Before you can undergo laser lipolysis, you will need to take certain preparatory steps. These include the following –

  1. If you are on blood thinners or anti-inflammatory drugs, you must stop taking them two weeks before the procedure to ensure a speedy recovery.
  2. Avoid skin tanning, shaving, chemical peeling, and other activities that might irritate the skin.
  3. Follow all the health and skin care instructions provided by your doctors before the procedure.

Additionally, do not forget to inform your doctor about any existing health condition or prescription medication. Based on them, the doctor may prescribe specific precautions.

After the treatment, you will receive another set of detailed instructions for post-treatment care. Follow these closely for an easy recovery process. Also, keep a close eye on the site of lipolysis to ensure that there is no infection and that you’re healing properly.

The doctor may prescribe antibiotics or other medicines for a few days to keep infections away. You will also get complete guidance regarding what to do to maximize the impact of lipolysis. This includes a healthy diet plan, incorporating regular exercise into your daily routine, etc.

You may need a follow-up session within a week to ensure that your body is reacting well to the treatment. You should remember that while lipolysis is an effective treatment, its effects will last only if you take care of your diet and activity level and take the necessary steps to keep body fat away.

Side Effects of Lipolysis

After a successful lipolysis treatment, you should see some of the benefits right away. Your skin will look and feel like a tighter, and have a more compact version of itself. However, you might also notice a few side effects such as touch of bruising, swelling, or irritation in the targeted area. Other unusual side effects include –

  • Redness of the treated area
  • Infection can occur if you don’t follow post care treatment
  • In more severe cases, blood clots can occur

However, these are rare, and temporary problems that will go away with the proper care. If you do feel any serious discomfort you should consult with your Doctor right away. 

Contact BARE For Fotona Lipolysis

At BARE Essentials, our team of experts analyses every patient’s needs separately and offers customized care.

Laser Treatment Spa

So, for the best laser lipolysis treatment and a wide range of other aesthetic treatments using laser systems, contact BARE Essentials today!