body sculpting treatments tecumseh

Body sculpting treatments have made some major headlines. From Kim Kardashian to Jennifer Aniston, celebrities have used various laser techniques for body sculpting to change the shape of their bodies, faces and look perfect.

But what are body sculpting treatments? Do they help with fat reduction and escalate fitness for men and women? Let’s find out everything!

What is body sculpting treatment?

Body sculpting is a procedure to eliminate fat from different body parts to give it a shapely look. This can be done both surgically and non-surgically. The two types of procedures work differently to eliminate fat from the body and improve physical shape.

Surgical body contouring includes procedures such as abdominoplasty, liposuction, and lift procedures. Skin tightening is often a part of any body contouring surgery. They usually work faster, but the recovery time is longer.

For people who do not want to go under the knife and yet achieve a contoured physique, there are non-surgical body sculpting procedures. They are non-invasive or minimally invasive. They use cooling, heating, ultrasound, or radio energy to kill or reduce fat, leaving the body within a few months.

You must remember that it is not a major weight loss procedure. In fact, some of the procedures, especially skin tightening, are performed after losing weight. Body sculpting works best for people who are just a couple of pounds away from achieving their goal weight. It helps with stubborn fat reduction.

Types of body sculpting treatments for fat reduction

There are different types of surgical and non-surgical body shaping treatments. Take a quick look at some of the most popular body contouring treatments.

a) Surgical Body Contouring

Let’s start with the details of popular surgical treatments used to remove stubborn fat cells.

1. Liposuction

Liposuction is a plastic surgery procedure that removes fat from the treatment area like the belly, thighs, arms, neck, etc. It uses a suction technique to remove fat without affecting weight too much.

2. Tummy Tuck

It is a serious treatment that thins the waist through skin tightening and fat removal from the middle and lower sections of the abdomen. This surgical process tightens the fascia and abdomen.

3. Lift Procedure

This surgical procedure focuses on tightening or removal of the skin in the treatment area in the buttocks, thighs, arms, etc. It elevates the tissues to give you a rounded, contoured appearance.

4. Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is a process to improve the shape and size of the breasts. It is not to be confused with a breast transplant. Usually, fat from other physical parts is injected into the breasts for this.

5. Mommy Makeover

Mommy Makeover is meant for women struggling with image issues after giving birth. It includes a combination of body contouring treatments, along with other surgeries like labiaplasty.

b) Non-Surgical Body Contouring

Now, let’s take a look at the non-surgical procedures of body sculpting:

1. Cold Treatment (CoolSculpting)

Also known as cryolipolysis, this treatment is used for freezing fat cells in the problem area. This helps to kill those fat cells that get flushed out of the system. This happens over the course of a few months.

2. Heat Treatment (WarmSculpting)

This treatment uses a laser energy device to apply heat and destroy fat cells in problem areas. These destroyed cells are also excreted from your system over a couple of months to contour your frame.

3. Ultrasound Energy (UltraShape)

This fat reduction treatment puts to use a hand-held device. The ultrasound technology used in the process helps break down and destroy fat cells to get rid of fat in thighs, bra rolls, abdomen, etc.

4. Radio-Frequency Energy (truSculpt, BodyFX)

This non-surgical fat reduction treatment uses a device to apply radio-frequency energy to the fatty tissue. This process helps with collagen production and improves the skin laxity of a patient.

5. Electromagnetic Energy (Emsculpt)

This body sculpting treatment does not destroy fat cells. Instead, it uses electromagnetic therapy to contract muscles fast and results in fat reduction. This happens when your muscles strengthen.

6. Injection Lipolysis

In this treatment option, active ingredients are injected into treatment areas. Here, they act beneath the skin to kill lipocytes and reduce fat. This treatment is known for its potential to destroy fat cells.

What is the best body sculpting treatment?

The best contouring option depends on the needs of different patients. As you have seen, there are different types of plastic surgeries, both surgical and non-surgical, to give you a shapely appearance. These treatments can be subdivided further, depending on the area.

The best sculpting solutions will vary from one person to the also depend on various aspects. Patients who don’t mind a longer downtime often choose surgical options for well-rounded and faster results. Non-surgical solutions offer no downtime, though you’ll have to take more sessions.

a) Non-Surgical Treatments

Non-surgical treatments use advanced cellulite reduction technologies, and there’s no downtime. But patients often complain about discomfort due to the application of cold or heat and experience bruising. You may also need multiple sessions, and it will take a few months to get rid of the fat cells.

b) Surgical Skin Tightening

One of the primary reasons people choose surgical beauty treatments is to opt for skin tightening. Improved skin laxity and physical contouring go hand in hand to create an improved look. Patients may need longer to recover from surgery, but the results appear faster and are more lasting.

c) Liposuction

People who want to remove large amounts of fat often have to choose liposuction. The larger the fat amount, the longer the recovery time. But for a candidate with lower amounts of fat, the recovery time is short. Liposuction remains one of the top fat elimination treatments, though it can’t tighten skin.

d) Muscle Enhancement

While muscle enhancement should not be used to replace exercise and diet for physical growth, this type of non-surgical sculpting solution results in a chiseled look in the muscles and gives you a toned, contoured look. Results also include fat loss, and both men and women choose this option.

e) Injectibles

Botox, fillers, etc., are common solutions that give quick results in facial shape improvements. They hardly have any downtime. While they are mostly used for the face, they can also give the buttocks a gentle lift. This results in smoothing and shaping the bum area.

How much is a body sculpting treatment?

The load your pockets will have to handle for your newly shaped physique will depend on the kind of procedure you will have. It depends on factors like the quality of products, the technology of devices, number of sessions, downtime, etc.

Surgical methods can cost anywhere between $2500 and $20,500, depending on the area where the reshaping will occur. Non-surgical methods can cost $500-$700, and patients generally spend around $2,000 for treating a single area.

Does body sculpting really work?

As you understand, there are two different categories of body sculpting treatment options – surgical and non-surgical. The goal of all of these is to get rid of fat. They mostly do so by destroying fat cells or facilitating the elimination of fat from the system.

As the fat cells in the targeted areas are killed or shrunk, they do not grow back. However, if you do not take care of your health in general and start to gain weight, you will see fat growing in those areas. This results from the expansion of the shrunken cells still present in the areas.

The cells that were killed will not come back, But the ones in the surrounding areas still have the chance of expanding. So you must pay attention to health and wellness in your life. While contouring treatments offer great results, don’t use them to substitute healthy food and exercise.

Is body sculpting safe?

In the hands of experts, body sculpting is completely safe, whether it is a surgical or non-surgical method. The general risks of anesthesia and possibilities of infections cannot be eliminated, though they are rare. There might be some temporary bruising too.

How many body sculpting treatments would I need?

The number of sessions for a target area depends on the amount of fat in the area. On average, 2-3 sessions should shape and contour a single location. Cosmetic surgeries need fewer sessions than non-surgical methods.

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